Sniff Sniff

Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask?

Monday, May 25, 2009

What is in your Handbag?

Wonder what's in a chick's handbag? Wonder what's in a guys man bag? Share it with us now .... "what is in your bag"?


  1. Nappies, wipes, nappy bags, tissues, crumpled-up receipts, wallet, phone, keys, unused tube of lipgloss, pens, assorted baby distraction devices, panadol, milk arrowroot bickies.

  2. 1 nappy, a matchbox car, keys, glasses, sunnies, "girl stuff", unpaid bills, wallet, phone, keys, USB storage device, extension cord for USB storage device, gaviscon, business cards, hairbrush, stockings, sudafed, ibuprofen, nurofen plus, bandaids, hairclips, pens, grocery receipts, old shopping lists, iron tablets, miniature little golden book, old tissues (ewwwww), work security pass, bottle opener.

  3. wallet, muesli bar, lots of receipts, mouth to mouth device (from 1st aid course), girl stuff, panadol, two pens, lipgloss, coverup, nail file, used tissues (agree on the ewww), pack of smarties, mobile phone, birthday book, address book (I know 'old school'), matchbox car, lots of hair elastics and sparkly clips, cheque book, coins at very bottom
